Can You Put Microsoft Documents on a Nook?

In addition to providing endless opportunities for leisure reading, e-book readers such as the Nook can be helpful tools when you need to catch up on reading business or school documents. Unlike past generations of Nooks, the Nook Tablet is capable of opening Microsoft Office file formats such as Word documents, PowerPoint slideshows and Excel spreadsheets. However, you cannot edit any Microsoft Office files on a Nook.
1 Reading Microsoft Office Documents
In order to read Microsoft Office files on a Nook Tablet, just save the document to your Nook's Documents folder as you would an e-book. From there, the document is ready to read in your Nook's Library. If you are unable to open a particular Microsoft Office file format on your Nook, you may still be able to read it if you convert it to PDF format. A wide number of Microsoft Office file formats can be converted to PDF (see Resources). Simply re-save the original file in the relevant Office program by clicking "Save As", and then choose "PDF" from the "Save as Type" drop-down list. Save the PDF to your Nook's Documents folder and it will display in your Library.
2 Disclaimer
Information in this article applies to the Nook Tablet. It may vary slightly or significantly with other versions or products. However, all generations of Nook support the PDF file format.