MP3 Transfer With a Kindle Fire

Transfer MP3 audio files to the Kindle Fire by connecting the device to your computer with the USB data cable that ships with the device. No additional software is required. Audio-track files transferred to the Kindle Fire are stored on the device’s local storage and are not synced with your Amazon account. However, you can upload MP3 files to your Amazon Cloud account to access the titles from multiple devices.
Connect the micro-USB connector on the data cable to the Kindle Fire, then plug the larger connector into a USB port on your computer.
Type your lock screen password, if you have set one on the device. The Kindle Fire registers to the Windows operating system as a removable drive.
Open File Explorer by pressing “Ctrl-E,” then click the “Kindle Fire” entry in the left panel. The Kindle Fire folder displays in the right File Explorer panel.
Click the “Kindle Fire” folder, then click the “Internal Storage” folder.
Browse to the MP3 file to transfer on your computer and then drag and drop the MP3 file in the Internal Storage folder on the Kindle Fire. The MP3 file is transferred to your device and stored in internal storage.
- You can only transfer non-DRM protected MP3 files.
- Information in these steps applies to the Kindle Fire HD, HDX and second-generation Kindle Fire. Instructions may vary slightly or significantly for other models of the Kindle.
- When you upload MP3 files to your Amazon Cloud account, the Cloud Player automatically searches the catalog for matching lyrics and additional content. If the information is available in the catalog, the additional content is displayed when you play the MP3 file on a Kindle device.