How to Make Your Own Printable Flashcards

The Internet provides pre-made flashcard sets in topics from math to science to professions, and also provides flashcard generators to assist users in creating and printing their own flashcards on topics of their own choosing. Printed flashcards can also have an interactive play component such as coloring in the flashcards or cutting and folding the cards, in addition to the educational purposes of the cards themselves.
1 Go to the Quizlet website
Go to the Quizlet website ( to print your own flashcards. Choose one of the flashcard set topics, such as arts, language, math, science, history, geography, standardized tests and professions and careers or enter keywords for a search of flashcards on site. Out of the flashcard sets which are listed, choose a set you would like to print out.
2 Print a flashcard set from Quizlet
Print a flashcard set from Quizlet, then look for a link that says "Print Cards" just below the virtual flashcards on display. When this link is used, instructions for the printing of the flashcards are displayed on screen but do not appear later when printed. Print the cards, fold down the middle of the page and between each card and cut on the dotted lines. You can tape the cards together to make the front and back more like a card, if desired.
3 Make your own printable flashcard sets
Make your own printable flashcard sets, with your own topics and terms at Quizlet's website as well. Go to Quizlet's "Create a New Flashcard Set" page ( and enter a title and description for your flashcard set. Enter terms, words, questions and problems along with answers for each card online. If you would like to add images to the cards, use the Add Images button on site. When you are done with your cards, by hitting the Continue button, you will be asked to create an account on Quizlet for free. This will make your flashcards available to others online and will also create virtual components, such as quizzes and worksheets, in addition to your printable flashcard sets. Once you have registered and logged back in, you will be able to print your flashcards from the site for free, in addition to playing the cards online.
4 Print your own addition
Print your own addition, subtraction, multiplication and division flashcards from CoolMath's website. Problems include tables with numbers up to 12, and are made to be colored in by students. Click the links for the flashcards you want to print, then when the flashcards are displayed, click on the File button on the top left of the toolbar on top of the screen, then choose the Print option when it appears.
5 Print math and word flashcards and with Scholastic's Flashcard Maker
Print math and word flashcards with Scholastic's Flashcard Maker. Enter terms and definitions you want on the cards, then use the See It! button which will display the cards you have made, and will allow you to print with a link on the page.