What Do You Do if Your Girlfriend Is Moving to Another Country for Five Months?

Whether your girlfriend is studying aboard or simply going to live in another part of the world for several months, your relationship with her will be tested. You will not be able to hug and kiss her as if she were right by your side, but you can still create closeness. Plan creative things to do, such as virtual dates, to show her that the distance will not separate her from your heart.
1 Communicate Closely
Though your girlfriend is afar, you can spend time with each other to feel like you are right by her side. Plan a time in both of your schedules when you and a partner can stimulate a geographically close relationship, according to Dr. Susan Krauss Whitbourne, writing for Psychology Today. Look at your schedules and arrange to talk on the phone or meet on video chat at a specific time everyday or on a certain day of the week. Catch up on what her daily activities are like for her in a new country. Ask her how it differs from her home country. Discuss what's new in your life back at home.
2 Schedule Date Nights
Stay virtually close by scheduling romantic date nights with your girlfriend. Time zones may vary where is staying so work together for an appropriate time. Plan to have a dinner date together. Tell her to takeout the ethnic cuisine common to the country she is residing in and then order the same cuisine for yourself at home. Meet her on video chat to dine together and blow virtual kisses. Discuss what you like and dislike about the food like you are in an actual restaurant. Or, ask her to rent the same romantic comedy movie. Watch the video at the same time and share your favorite parts of the movie on the phone.
3 Plan Surprises
Catch your girlfriend off guard by sending something special her way. Mail off a care package with all her favorite things, such as snacks and makeup. Tuck in a romantic note from you to let her know you are thinking of her. Alternatively, send her a surprise gift to the place where she is residing. Several gift basket and flower companies have international branches. Send her a bouquet of her favorite flowers or a box of gourmet chocolates with a personalized message from you attached. You can also give her the ultimate surprise by planning a visit. Get in touch with her roommates and arrange to visit on her birthday or your anniversary.
4 Count Down Days
Look forward to seeing each other again by counting down the days when she will be back home in a creative way. Before she leaves, create countdown calendars for each other. Write a number on each page of stapled card stock for the amount of days she will be gone. Under each number, both of you can write sweet messages for each other. Both of you will be able to read a message a day until her arrival back home. Alternatively, consider writing the messages on small pieces of paper to coincide with the number of days and place them in plastic jars. You both can read a message daily until she comes back.