Cute Creative Ways to Invite a Friend for a Play Date

If you want to spend more time bonding with a close friend, scheduling a play date just may be key. Committing to a time to do activities together even when you're busy is a great way to invest in a friendship. Use a creative and cute approach to ask her for a meet-up, to really make her look forward to hanging out with you.
1 Themed Homemade Invitation
Think of a fun-filled activity you both can engage in during your play date. The best activities will allow you and your guest to interact instead of just watching TV or reading, according to psychologist Eileen Kennedy-Moore. Give your friend a glimpse of the excellent time you'll have together with a themed invitation. Perhaps you and your friend can complete a recipe -- make an invitation to resemble a chef hat. Maybe you can plan a spa party -- create a invitation in the shape of a bottle of nail polish. Write the play date details inside.
2 A Bite to Eat
Get in the kitchen and whip up an edible play date invitation. If your friend likes Italian cuisine, bake her a pizza. Use the toppings to ask her to hang out: Position small pieces of sliced pepperoni or chopped olives to spell out, "Hang out?" or "Play Date?" You can write all play date details inside the top cover of a pizza box. Have someone hand deliver it to her door. Alternatively, satisfy your friend's sweet tooth. Bake a batch of cupcakes. Use frosting to pipe a letter on each cupcake and spell out, "Let's Hang Out!" Surprise her and leave it on her desk.
3 Keep It a Mystery
Create a play date invitation that your friend must solve. Make your own jigsaw puzzle. Write the play date message on a piece of paper, such as, "My play date will not be complete without you." Cut into interlocking shapes and place the pieces in a small box. Your friend can put the pieces back together to reveal your invitation. Alternatively, have your friend embark on a scavenger hunt. Slip a note in his locker that reads, "Word around town is someone wants to hang out with you. Follow the clues to find out who." Let the clues lead to the location where you are and surprise him.
4 The Comical Call
Give your friend a buzz and invite him over the phone. Plan ahead by calling your friend a couple of days in advance before the play date instead of last minute. Make your friend laugh with a funny call invite. Perhaps you could disguise your voice as a cowboy, saying, "Howdy partner! You're wanted to come hang out at my place on Sunday at 4 o'clock." Or, make your voice sound like an alien. You could say, "Hey Earthling! Join me for an out-of-this-world experience at my house on Friday afternoon at 2."