Ideas for Ladies' Ministry Events
29 SEP 2017

It is important within any church to have a thriving women's ministry. To have a successful women's ministry, many events must be planned throughout the year. Coming up with new ideas that will keep the ladies of your congregation engaged requires a great deal of creativity.
1 Women of Faith Conference
Plan to go to a Women of Faith conference. A Women of Faith conference is a great way to get the women together, worship through song and listen to speakers who are focused on issues facing women. It is possible for your ladies' ministry to volunteer at Women of Faith, as well. If you volunteer, your group might build more community spirit from the conference experience.
2 Christian Comedian
Go see a Christian stand-up comedian. Chonda Pierce is a tremendously funny comedian who relates to women through her hilarious stories, and there are many more Christian acts that travel or perform in various regions. Check your local Christian radio station's website for local performers and traveling performances. Your group might even consider taking a weekend trip to see an act in a larger city.
3 Pajama Party
Throw a pajama party. Get the women together in a home of a group member or at the church to have a night of fun. Watch a wholesome "chick flick," play some games and have lots of party foods to munch on. Include a short devotional before, during or at the end of the party.
4 Mother-daughter Banquet
Hold a mother-daughter banquet. This is an intimate setting for your ladies ministry to get together as a family. If a member does not have a daughter, she can adopt a younger person from the congregation who no longer has a mother. Plan a banquet at your church or reserve a hall and have the food catered. Get a speaker for the banquet and pass out gifts and door prizes for all participants.