How to Have a Perfect Night With My Girlfriend

Dress up the typical movie-going experience to make it special.
... Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images

You have the most amazing girlfriend, but you aren't sure what to do to show her how much you care. Whether it's a special event, such as Valentine's Day, or a regular Saturday night, planning the perfect evening together demonstrates how much she means to you. Take the time to plan a night she'll never forget and your relationship will benefit from your efforts.

1 Selecting an Activity

Choose an activity with your girlfriend's interests in mind. No matter the date, suggest trying something new each time because the novel experience gives you two something to call your own and reminiscence about down the road, says post-doctoral psychology scholar Amie M. Gordon in the Psychology Today piece "Four Ways To Keep Your Relationship Alive." If she has a special love for sports, watch a basketball game at your school or attend a professional hockey game. Don't assume that spending a great deal of money equates to a perfect date; your girlfriend will appreciate you selecting an activity suited for her regardless of the underlying cost.

2 Inviting Her

Creatively invite her to your special date. Don't ask her via text or in person as usual; make the night stand out and ask her to join you with a handcrafted invitation. If you plan to take her to a movie, fill an empty popcorn bucket with her favorite movie snacks and a note asking her to join you for the new flick on Saturday night. If you want to surprise her, create a scavenger hunt that leads her to the final clue telling her where the date is and what she can expect. No matter what you plan, she'll consider this a special date if you put time and effort into your actions before the date ever begins.

3 Setting the Mood

Set the mood of your date before it begins. Present your girlfriend with a small gift when you pick her up or leave the house for your perfectly planned night. Personalized gift-giving is one of the most obvious ways to show your partner you care for her. You might give her a single rose if she's the romantic type or present her with a gift certificate to her favorite shop, where you'll stop after your dinner.

4 Additional Considerations

The location, flowers and gifts are only part of what makes the night special. Spending time with you is likely the part of the night that will be most meaningful. Unless a serious topic comes up naturally, save the talk about being apart for six weeks during the summer for another time. Keep this night about having fun, sharing an experience together and focusing on the present moment.

Based in Texas, Lucie Westminster has been a writer and researcher since 1975. Her work has been published in journals such as "Psychological Reports" and "Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior." Westminster's interests include developmental psychology, children, pets and crafting. She holds a Ph.D. in psychology from Miami University.
