Romantic Ideas to Win Her Back

There's yelling, tears, not-so-nice words and then she leaves. Whether you cheated, got in an argument or did something else to make your girlfriend dump you, winning her back will take more than a simple, "I'm sorry." Rekindle your relationship with a romantic idea that will show her how much you care and that you are truly sincere about getting back together with her.
1 The New You
Whatever you did to put an end to your relationship has to change if you want to win your girl back. Write out how you contributed to the break up. For example, your list could include forgotten date nights, flirting with other girls or taking her for granted. Create a second list that turns each negative behavior into a new positive attribute. If you wrote, "Never texted her back," put "Will always text her back, right away," on the new list. Give her the lists. Put them on decorative paper -- rolled like a scroll -- and tie them with a silky ribbon and a rose.
2 No Stress
Breakups are a stressful time for everyone involved. Show your ex how much you care about her with an anti-stress event that's just for her. For example, if she lives with other people, ask her roommates if you can stage a romantically relaxing set-up such as a candle-lit bubble bath with rose petals floating in the water. Leave a note to tell her how badly you feel and that you want to help her to heal and hopefully move forward in the relationship.
3 Child's Play
Instead of getting super serious, lighten your ex's mood. Take her on a date to the local playground and push her on the swings or race down the slides together. Another option is to draw a romantic sidewalk chalk message in front of her house, apartment or dorm. If she won't agree to go out with you and you think that she deletes your emails and texts, leave her a message that packs a romantic punch. Use colorful chalk to write "I love you" or "One more chance?" Draw a bouquet of roses or -- if you are the artistic type -- a picture of the two of you holding hands.
4 Homemade is Heartfelt
It is easy to go to the store and buy a dozen cute cupcakes or a cookie cake with the message "I love you" on it. Creating a homemade treat shows your romantic side and lets her know that you care enough to take the time to make something special. If you aren't exactly chef-worthy, buy a boxed mix and simply follow the directions. Frost your creation with your girl's favorite colors or add your own message using chocolate chip lines. While one cupcake or a few cookies probably won't win her back, a week's worth of treats is a step in the right direction.