How to Plan a Women in White Church Service
29 SEP 2017

Church can be a unique place for a theme service. Many churches honor women at least once a year. Thus, a women in white theme is a good idea for a church service. In Christianity, white stands for purity. Therefore, white works well for this idea. Planning a church service includes several components.
1 To help with the service
Recruit women to help with the service. Choose women who are talented in areas needed for the service. For instance, in song, dance, spoken word, teaching, preaching, and so on. The women selected will be delegated the leading role within that particular performance.
2 Develop a program
Develop a program. This will include the traditional church service events, such as, announcements, songs and a speaker. When the program is developed it will be determined who will conduct these tasks.
3 Select decorations
Select decorations needed for the church service. The planner takes into consideration the interior of the sanctuary as well as the foyer area. The decor should follow the theme of white, purity, and womanhood.
4 Invite guests
Invite guests. An invitation is created to ignite guests' interest in attending the service. This can be completed by a postcard handed out during the church service. The postcard invitation includes the events, date and time. A short skit is also an option for informing church members of the program.