How to Organize a Ladies Auxiliary at a Church
4 OCT 2017

A ladies auxiliary is a women's group that supplements the work of an organization. In a church, a ladies auxiliary can take on roles such as reaching out to the larger community, working within the church and fund-raising. When organizing a ladies auxiliary, it's important to consider all of the layers involved. There's an institutional layer within the church, and perhaps in the larger denomination, as well as a community outreach layer. There's also a leadership layer within the auxiliary and a social layer among the members.
Develop a clear mission statement. The mission statement should define the purpose of the ladies auxiliary and its goals. For example, if the purpose of the ladies auxiliary will be to serve the church community, one of the goals could be to deliver meals to church members in need. If the mission is to serve the larger community, organizing volunteers for soup kitchens or literacy programs are possible goals. The mission statement can be general, but the goals should be specific enough so you can measure results.
Set up an internal structure by instituting a hierarchy such as president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. Clearly define each of these positions in terms of authority, duties and term limits.
Define membership requirements and set a calendar of events and participation expectations. For example: Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month. Members of the ladies auxiliary are expected to attend a minimum of eight meetings a year and to participate in at least one fundraiser.
Generate interest and excitement to attract members. Use the church newsletter and bulletin boards to talk up the ladies auxiliary. Invite women in the church to an introductory meeting. Make the first meeting a positive and fun experience by providing refreshments, playing ice-breaker and mingling games and offering door prizes. Allow time for a question-and-answer session since some of the women may not know what a ladies auxiliary is or does.