How to Organize a Christian Singles Ministry
29 SEP 2017

There are currently more single people in the United States than at any other point in history, according to The Singles Network Ministries. An active, thriving singles ministry can reach these singles and grow your church community. It can also serve as a powerful outreach tool for spreading Christ's word. While singles ministries shouldn't be created just to help people find love, often God intervenes and helps young singles find partners who share their morals and values.
Pray to make sure your church is called to host a singles ministry. Ask God to support you in your efforts so that you can do His work. Trust that God will give you the answers you seek.
Schedule a meeting with your church's leadership to get their support for your idea. Explain to them the goals of your ministry and the ways it will help the church and the community.
Talk to your church community to assess interest in your singles ministry and to find others interested in helping you start or lead the group.
Meet with those interested in your singles ministry and create a list of goals for your ministry. Decide if you will be a spiritual, social or service-based group. Plan a meeting schedule.
Make a rough outline of the activities you plan to do at each single's ministry meeting.
Create a budget to cover the cost of supplies, activities and outings. Ask the church for a budget or decide if members will fund-raise or pay out of pocket.
Advertise your ministry both within the church and in the community. Feature a "bring a friend" event to generate interest. Put up flyers or host a social event to drum up interest. Use social media to communicate and gain interest.
Consider electing officers and creating a constitution or bylaws as your organization grows so that future generations of members can effortlessly carry on your ministry and so the group has clear leadership and goals.
Check in with church leaders to demonstrate the worthiness of your group and the benefits it brings to the church community.