How to Set Up Order of the Eastern Star Workshops
4 OCT 2017

An organization that welcomes both men and women into its fellowship, the Order of the Eastern Star has spent over 160 years providing charitable service and fraternal love to chapters across the world. While chapters of the Order of the Eastern Star exist in most of the United States, networking between chapters, attracting new members, and reinforcing chapter unity are all excellent reasons to host workshops for your branch of this organization. Reach without and within to formulate a workshop that will let your Eastern Star shine brightly.
Outline your goals for your workshop to adequately determine a strategy for your meeting. Ask your fellow members if they would be willing to serve on a committee for workshop development, then assign tasks to each member according to their preferences and strengths.
Contact other chapters in your district to brainstorm ideas to make your workshop more effective. If you are hosting a workshop to attract more members, ask them what techniques worked well in the past. If you are looking for ways to foster brotherhood within your chapter, ask if they can recommend any readings or activities that they found effective within their membership.
Reach out into your community to bring speakers and leaders who would be willing to speak to your membership. As all members of the Order of the Eastern Star are asked to believe in a Supreme Being, perhaps a pastor or minister from your community could be asked to speak about faith and community service. If you are looking for ways to broaden your chapter's community outreach, ask a representative from the local food bank or senior center to make a presentation on the needs facing your town.
Ask the members of your chapter for their thoughts and opinions regarding what needs improving within your membership. Your fellow matrons and patrons will be attuned to the needs of your chapter, and asking for their input will make them feel more involved. Simply pass around a suggestion box with slips of paper at a chapter meeting, or ask for input in your organization's newsletter or mailing list.