Fun Activities for Team Building for Teens to Get to Know One Another
26 SEP 2017

If you’re trying to help teens gel and work together more effectively, team building is your answer. Team building activities are an interactive way to help teens learn more about each other. You can use team builders at a party, student organization meeting or with a sports or music club. Team builders help build communication skills and create stronger relationships between teens. Start with introductory fun activities and move on to deeper experiences that develop trust and group synergy.
1 Truth Telling
Help teens get acquainted and have a good laugh at the same time. Give each teen a piece of paper and pencil. Ask them to write down two things about themselves that are true and one that is not. Collect the paper and randomly redistribute to participants. Ask them to read what’s written and guess the truths from the lie. Finally, have the group decide who authored each one.
2 A Toss Up
Involving teens in a physical activity sparks energy and fun. Make a list of questions that help teens get to know one another. Be sure to have the same number of questions as participants. Try including questions about a favorite color, ideal vacation spot or future career choice, and cut each question out and tape it to a large ball. Ask the group to stand in a circle and then toss the ball to a group member. The group member should answer one of the questions, remove it from the ball and then toss the ball to a new member. Repeat the process until everyone has answered a question.
3 Celebrate Similarities
Establishing common ground is a quick way to bond a group of teens. Partner participants and ask them to find three things they both enjoy. Have each pair find another partner set and search for two new commonalities. Continue this process until the entire group is together. Now ask the group to search for something they all can agree upon. You can repeat this process with differences, or pick a theme for likes and dislikes. For example, ask the group to focus on food, school subjects or television shows.
4 Quilting
Help teens get to know one another and make a visual representation of the experience. Provide each participant with a piece of fabric and various art supplies. Ask them to create a quilt square that represents who they are as an individual. You can even provide categories such as special talent, favorite food or family background. Give each teen the opportunity to describe their quilt square, then glue or sew the squares together. Hang the large quilt so that everyone can see the beauty of bringing together individual backgrounds, gifts and talents.