How to Run for Student Council in the Fourth Grade

Running for student council in the fourth grade is an opportunity to develop leadership skills and deepen friendships within the classroom. You get to practice public speaking, design creative campaign posters, and convince your classmates to vote for you with confidence. Like running for any office, there's a risk of feeling rejected. But, even if you lose, you'll learn valuable lessons that will carry you into middle school and beyond.
1 Ask your friends and classmates
Ask your friends and classmates what they wish would be different at your school and what they would like a member of student council to accomplish. Write down their answers so you don't forget.
2 Formulate two
Formulate two to five goals that you plan to accomplish in office based on what your classmates answered when you talked with them as well as your own ideas and desires. Sample goals might include get more indoor games for rainy-day recess, have 20 minutes of computer time on Fridays or make the bathrooms cleaner.
3 Brainstorm two
Brainstorm two to three characteristics that make you a good leader. Sample characteristics might include "reliable," "hard-working," "creative," "smart" or "talkative."
4 Create campaign posters
Create campaign posters using a computer or markers and paper. Your posters should be catchy, fun to look at and include your campaign goals and personality traits. Make at least 10 to 20 copies, depending on the size of your school, and hang them wherever your school allows during campaign week.
5 Talk to your classmates
Talk to your classmates about your campaign goals and ask them to vote for you. Address any questions or concerns they might have about your plans for student office.
6 Write a campaign speech
Write a campaign speech that has a catchy opening and makes several clear points. Explain why you are the best candidate for student council and what you hope to accomplish in office.
7 Practice your speech
Practice your speech in front of anyone who will listen. This includes your parents, siblings, friends or yourself while facing a mirror. Deliver your speech with confidence on election day.
8 Ask your friends
Ask your friends who support your student council campaign to help you hang your campaign posters, cheer for you during your speech and convince other classmates to vote for you.
- Each school has an election protocol. Consult your teacher and/or principal to find out the election rules.
- Add a slogan to your posters such as "Donald Gets Things Done." Add such fun graphics as check marks or include superheroes. Use such craft materials as construction paper, glue, feathers and sequins to make your posters stand out.