How to Make Church Certificate Awards

Make certificates to recognize faithful service or spiritual milestones.

A church certificate can recognize a person's faithful attendance or distinguished service or mark significant spiritual moments in life. Congregations confer awards and honors for perfect attendance at worship or Sunday school, participation in vacation Bible school and for active involvement in church life. Certificates may also be records of baptisms, First Communions and other stages of their spiritual growth. Microsoft Office PowerPoint provides templates to help you create certificates to celebrate milestones for those living the Christian faith.

Open Microsoft Office PowerPoint. Go to the Microsoft Office Online Templates site. Type "certificates" in the "Search Templates" field or click on the "Award Certificates" link. Choose a certificate template.

Insert or replace text on the template. Type "Award," "Recognition," "Certificate" or similar words as the heading. State that the certificate is being presented to a recipient. Identify and spell correctly the full name of the recipient. Provide the presentation date. State briefly the reason for the recognition or certificate, such as perfect worship or Sunday School attendance, baptism, First Communion or distinguished service to the church. Create a signature line for the minister.

Go to the "Format" menu and click "Background" to add a logo or a picture that illustrates the certificate's theme or other graphics as a background. Find "Background fill" and click "Fill Effects." Click the "Picture" tab and "Select Picture." Highlight the desired picture or graphic and click "Insert" and "OK." Click "Apply."

Add your church's seal. Move your mouse pointer to the graphic or seal on the template and select it. Press "Delete." Go to the "Insert" menu. Select "Picture" and "From File." Find the directory where you have saved or stored your seal. Highlight the file and click "Insert."

Christopher Raines enjoys sharing his knowledge of business, financial matters and the law. He earned his business administration and law degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. As a lawyer since August 1996, Raines has handled cases involving business, consumer and other areas of the law.
