How to Find Your LDS Membership Records
29 SEP 2017

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, commonly known as the Mormons, a membership record contains a church member's name, date of birth, unique membership number and a list of temple ordinances he has received, such as baptism.
Both local churches and LDS Church Headquarters (CHQ) keep copies of membership records.
1 Ask your LDS church
Ask your LDS church for contact information for your local ward.
2 Call LDS CHQ Member and Leader Services
Call LDS CHQ Member and Leader Services at 801-240-3500 if you do not know which ward has your records. CHQ can give you this information if you provide your name and contact details.
3 Contact your local LDS ward
Contact your local LDS ward and speak to the ward clerk.
4 Request an individual ordinance summary
Request an individual ordinance summary. This contains your membership record.