Fun Activities for High School Seniors

The senior year of high school is a milestone in the lives of many teenagers. It can be an exciting yet bittersweet time. Regardless of your plans for the following year, it is important to enjoy your last few days in high school.
1 Disney Grad Night
A senior class trip is a fun and memorial activity for most high school seniors. Disney Grad Night is a great idea for seniors ready to head off to college. The package for this event will include lodging, breakfast; admission tickets to Busch Gardens, Universal and Wet N’ Wild. The Disney Grad Night will have a popular artist performing and lots of dancing. A senior trip to Disney for Grad night will be a memorable experience for any senior in high school.
2 Senior Class Dance
A class dance is a great senior activity to bring the senior class together. For one evening, everyone in the senior class can feel like a famous star and enjoy their last few days in high school. If money is not a problem, opt to have your senior dance at a hotel or country club. If funds are tight, the school gym works perfectly fine. The level of formality will depend on what the class wants. Get a committee in charge of transforming your high school gym or hotel into Hollywood. Make sure to have lots of dancing and food. It is also a good idea to contact parents and teachers to help chaperone the event.
3 Powder Puff Football
A powder puff football game is a great group activity for seniors. Essentially powder puff is American football where traditional roles are reversed -- girls are the players, boys are the cheerleaders. Seniors can pick teams and create T-shirts and signs for the fans. You could make it a weeklong session, with the championship game at the end of the week.
4 Karaoke
Most teenagers look karaoke as it is a great way to let go of all inhibitions and just have fun. Before graduation, seniors can have a karaoke night with a DJ. Serve sodas and pizza and you are sure to draw a crowd. Everyone will have a good time, even if they don’t participate in the karaoke.