The Best Places for a Class Reunion

Class reunions are special occasions for classmates to gather and commiserate about old times. They are also an event which classmates use to network, and rekindle lost friendships. The key to a great class reunion is location. Choosing a venue should be done months in advance of the date.
1 The School
The most natural place to hold a class reunion is the school. The event can be held in a gymnasium, which can be an inexpensive alternative to private venues. It can also have indirect benefits, such as giving attendees the ability to tour the school and get nostalgic about their school years.
2 A Local Park
A class reunion in a park, set up as a picnic, can be a nice change of pace from the traditional class reunion. Throwing a class reunion in a park has its advantages; it's conducive to family activities, typically inexpensive and provides an informal, casual atmosphere. The drawback to having a class reunion in a park is that it needs to be held during the day, and you run the chance of having bad weather.
3 Local Hotel
Throwing a class reunion at a local hotel can be a fun way to get a large group of people together. Most larger hotels have facilities to handle hundreds of people. They also are set up to serve drinks and food to hundreds, as well. One of the advantages to a hotel is that attendees have a place to stay and do not have to worry about driving after a long night of festivities.
4 Amusement Parks and Sports Venues
Many amusement parks and sports venues are now built with facilities to handle large groups of people, a requirement for a class reunion. The advantage of an amusement park or sports venue is that it gives reunion goers a casual way to get together. Amusement parks and sports venues are also family friendly, which can be a benefit to encouraging classmates to attend.