Cute Names for a Luau Party Theme
29 SEP 2017

Visitors to Hawaii are often introduced to luaus, the ultimate Hawaiian party, at high-end resorts or at private luau production companies. If you want to name your luau party, just about anything goes.
1 Pau Hana Party
Pau hana means "work finished." It can mean work finished at the end of the day or the beginning of the weekend, so the pau hana party celebrates leisure.
2 Wiki Wiki Luau
"Wiki wiki" means hurry up. If you find yourself planning a last-minute luau, wiki wiki is what you’ll be doing. This is when having lots of "ohana," or family, comes in handy. Call and tell them they have to wiki wiki and help with your wiki wiki luau. The only luau component that can’t be rushed is the kalua pig. Someone has to come early and get the pig in the imu, or underground oven, since it takes all day to cook.
3 Loco Moco Luau
"Loco moco" is Hawaiian fast food. The base is rice, topped with chicken, pork or even a hamburger; then it’s topped with a fried egg and smothered in gravy. Tell the neighbors you’re having a loco moco luau, and you’ll have no shortage of guests.