Black Colleges in New York City

There are many lists of the best colleges in the United States, however some of these lists detail colleges best suited for specific demographics of students. It is quite rare to find colleges that only admit black students, but specific schools are recommended for black students, and some that have a high black student enrollment. A few of these schools are in New York City.
1 Borough of Manhattan Community College
The Borough of Manhattan Community College contains a student body composed of more than 75 percent black students. This college is located in Manhattan, an urban setting. The college has many departments, offers several types of degrees, and provides classes for non-traditional students. There are off-site programs, evening and weekend classes and e-Learning options. Special programs go beyond normal college courses, as the college is partnered with the City University of New York. Special programs include study abroad, accelerated study in the Association programs, CUNY law school and Baccalaureate degrees, teacher academy and ESL intensive courses.
2 Medgar Evers College
The Medgar Evers College is part of the City University of New York. It is a liberal arts college located in the city. The college contains four main schools: liberal arts and education, business, professional and community development and science, and health and technology. Beyond baccalaureate and associate degree programs, the college also offers adult education courses, study abroad and the college of freshman studies. There is support for women students, those with disabilities, child care, male development, health services and athletics.
3 New York City College of Technology
The New York City College of Technology is a public college that offers baccalaureate degrees. City Tech is part of the City University of New York and the largest public college of its kind in the state of New York. The college first opened in 1991 as part of the Technical Schools of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The college offers 63 degrees and many certificate programs. Many of the courses at City Tech are the only programs of their kind with the City University of New York, such as travel and tourism, communication design and architectural technology.
4 Columbia University
Columbia University is not a predominately black university, but it is ranked high for a college where black students do very well. Columbia University opened in 1754, and was known as King's College. Columbia is a large university with many departments, schools, institutes and centers. The schools found at Columbia include Barnard college, arts and sciences graduate school, arts, architecture, planning and preservation, union theological seminary, teachers college, public health, social work, law, medicine, nursing, journalism, Jewish theological seminary, international & public affairs, general studies, engineering for graduate and undergraduate study, continuing education, and business.