How to Turn Off the Voice on My Microsoft Computer: It States Everything I Do

Windows 8 includes Narrator and other accessibility features.
... Sean Gallup/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Microsoft’s Windows 8 operating system includes a number of accessibility features. One such feature is Narrator, which reads aloud various activities on the screen. While Narrator may be useful for the sight-impaired or those who prefer to have content spoken, you may find it a bit annoying if you enable it accidentally and do not require its assistance. Narrator can be turned off and on at will.

Open the Windows 8 search box and type “Narrator.” Click the “Narrator” application.

Click the check boxes next to each Narrator option. Checked items will be read aloud by Narrator. Disable all checks.

Click the “Exit” button to close Narrator.

  • Information in this article applies to Windows 8. It may vary slightly or significantly with other versions or products.
  • You can quickly disable Narrator at any time by pressing “Caps Lock-Esc.” Start it again with “Windows-Enter.”