Theme Ideas for Pep Rallies

Pep rallies are an excellent way to get students fired up about a big upcoming sports game, or just to inspire school spirit in general. Choosing a theme for your pep rally can be a lot of fun, as it opens up possibilities for themed activities, games and decorations. Themes can also help students feel more involved in the pep rally, as they can be encouraged to dress up according to the theme.
1 Cream the Other Team
A "cream the other team" pep rally theme is fun way of incorporating some of the usual pep rally games into an overarching theme of "creaming" the opposing team. Make up signs that say "Cream the (Opposing Team)" and "Cream the (Other Mascot)" for cheerleaders and students to wave. Hold a whipped cream pie eating contest by filling pie plates with whipped cream and getting students and teachers to compete to finish them.
2 Black Out
This is an inventive pep rally theme idea that can be modified for all different types of activities. The basic idea is to have the pep rally in the dark, using glow in the dark toys, spot lights and black lights to illuminate the activities. You can have the cheerleading squad dress in black-light reflective clothing, sell glow sticks to the student body and use a spotlight to follow the team members as they are introduced.
3 Get Fired Up
Getting "fired up" with school spirit is a fun theme with a lot of versatility. Make signs that say things like "Get Fired Up About (School Team)" and "(Our Team) Is On Fire!" Lead chants about getting fired up about the sports team and how the school is going to light the opposing team "on fire" at the big game. Throw fire themed candy, such as atomic fire balls and red hots, into the crowd as well.
4 Beach
A beach theme can be a great pep rally idea for the summer, when many students are thinking about going to beach. Decorate the pep rally space with beach items, such as inflatable palm trees, beach chairs and towels. Encourage students to dress in beach wear and throw beach balls throughout the crowd. Play beach themed music, such as the Beach Boys and Jimmy Buffett and hold a dance off for the students and teachers.