Ideas for a Fifth-Grade Class President

Student councils in elementary schools can be used to teach students leadership skills. Getting students involved in student council at a young age builds self-confidence and allows students to participate in projects benefiting the school and the community. Holding elections for specific positions within the student council and electing a class president further develops students' leadership skills and their ability to work individually and collectively toward common goals.
1 Fundraisers
Have your fifth-grade class president organize a fundraiser for school projects such as field trips or new equipment. Discuss bake sales, snack tables or running a school store with the class president and her peers.
2 Community Service
Get the council president involved in a community service project. The students may pick up trash in local parks, organize school-wide recycling or have a canned food drive.
3 School Spirit
Involve the class president in planning and organizing school spirit days. Have her brainstorm school spirit ideas with other members of the student council and create posters advertising the different days. The class president could set an example by participating in all school spirit days. Examples of some school spirit days are wacky hair day, favorite team day, hat day or wear your school colors day.
4 School Leadership
Assign leadership roles within the school to the class president. Have her read the morning announcements and lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Ask her to share student thoughts at Parent Advisory Council meetings as well.