Romantic Ways to Say Good Morning

Elizabeth Kane, a South University professor of clinical psychology and behavioral science, emphasizes the importance of the “love euphoria” that a romantic couple experiences. She advises that couples should break predictable patterns to keep love alive. “To be romantic is to make a choice to wake up each day and ask yourself what you can do today to let your lover know they are adored,” she says.
1 Start the Day With a Little Romance
At school, slip your honey an index card that says "Good Morning!" with a chocolate kiss stuck to it.
When you're over one evening, slip a sweet, "Good Morning" note into something you know he'll use in the morning -- and his first thoughts will be of you.
Show up at your honey's house with a thermos, muffins or cupcakes and a super-soft blanket. Then, drive her to your favorite sunrise spot.
When your honey is facing a tough day or challenge, find the perfect motivating quote and text it to him when you know he's headed out the door.
Memorize a joke to share with your honey and start the day with laughter.
Secretly change your honey's phone alarm to your special song.