How to Buy a Boyfriend or Girlfriend an Easter Gift
29 SEP 2017

How to Buy a Boyfriend or Girlfriend an Easter Gift. You don't have to wait until Christmas to buy your girlfriend or boyfriend a gift. When spring is in the air, why not surprise your sweetie with an Easter gift? Here's how to pick out a good gift for Easter for your boyfriend or girlfriend.
Make a list of the stores where your boyfriend or girlfriend regularly shops. Go shopping in those same stores, keeping an eye out for a gift that catches your attention.
Shop all year long. When you see something you know your boyfriend or girlfriend would like, pick it up and stash it away until the appropriate time. Keep your receipts. Nobody is perfect, and if it turns out your gift was not either, you will want your boyfriend or girlfriend to have the option of returning or exchanging it.
Create a themed Easter basket for your boyfriend or girlfriend. Fill it with something creative, such as bath accessories for a relaxing evening, or favorite cooking ingredients and a note promising to cook dinner. Or give it a sexy twist by making it massage-themed or filling it with naughty toys.
Break the theme. You are not required to buy your boyfriend or girlfriend a chocolate bunny for Easter. Candy or chocolate is often a good choice, but people will appreciate the surprise and change of pace if you come up with something unusual or unexpected.
Plan an Easter activity that you can share with your boyfriend or girlfriend, to show that you care about the relationship and want to get in on the fun.
Make your gift as personal as you can. Engrave it, include a note or make it something that only you could have selected.