How to Reset the Adobe Illustrator Settings

Adobe Illustrator enables you to create digital art.
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Adobe Illustrator has a variety of work layout displays, measurement tools and image export settings that are set to default upon purchase. You can alter settings as needed and reset everything back to default at anytime. Resetting everything back to default is useful when sharing the software with several users who may not be familiar with your personal settings. It can also resolve setting problems in some cases.

1 Remove the Settings Folder

Adobe Illustrator stores all settings within a folder contained in the program files. This includes default settings that will be regenerated if you delete the folder. It will also contain all of your personal settings. Personal settings won't be regenerated if you delete the settings folder. If you're using a PC, remove the file titled "AlPrefs" from the Illustrator program folder. To delete the folder on a Mac, remove the file named "Adobe Illustrator Prefs" from the Illustrator program folder. Adobe Illustrator will then return to the original layout and tool settings.

2 Delete Personal Settings

You don't have to delete the entire settings folder to reset Adobe Illustrator to default mode. Removing your current personal settings while leaving the default settings in place can be done from the program startup. On a PC, press "Alt-Control-Shift" and launch Illustrator, holding until you see the start-up screen appear, to clear all current personal settings. If you're on a Mac, hold "Option-Command-Shift" to delete your personal settings. This will cause the default settings and work space layout to appear for use.

Mark Taylor is a professional technical writer specializing in articles accessible to readers of any tech background. Taylor's favorite topics include Internet safety, mobile electronics and embedded systems. He is a triathlete and avid mountain biker.
