Missionary Bulletin Board Ideas
29 SEP 2017

One of the greatest joys for church congregations is to support and celebrate their missionaries. Missionaries hold a special place among the church family because they are the eyes and ears in parts of the world many may never see. Celebrating and remembering the missionaries sent out by a church help keep the church family updated and informed. One of the best ways to keep people up to speed is with a missionary bulletin board.
1 Post Photos and Letters
Photographs are one of the best ways to keep the church body connected to the various missionaries supported by your church. Post photos of the missionary family as well as pictures they’ve taken while on the mission field. Use other stock photography to give the congregants an idea of the people the missionaries are reaching. Photos send a powerful message. Ask each of your missions to write a letter or send an email to the church body and display it on the bulletin board. Next to the letter, display the missionary's email and physical mailing address so that people in your church can respond.
2 Encourage Giving
One great idea for a missionary bulletin board is to have a campaign to raise money for the missionary of the month. You can create a realistic goal and make a thermometer out of construction paper to show the congregants the monthly progress. Place a sheet on the board for fund-raising ideas so that people from the congregation can share their ideas of how raise money.
3 Gather Testimonies
Ask the missionaries to send testimonies from the mission field every month, so that congregants can continually see new and fresh testimonies. Testimonies help your people relate to the missionaries and draw from their inspirational stories of hope and truth.
4 Display Prayer Requests
One of the best ways your church can support a missionary is by praying for them. Prayer is a powerful force that draws the hearts of the missionaries to the people and the people to the missionaries. Making a section on the bulletin board for prayer requests allows congregants to stay current on the needs of the missionaries.
5 Highlight a Missionary
Highlight a different missionary every month by giving some details about a particular missionary. Implement a program where congregants can adopt-a-missionary and take personal ownership of them. They can help raise money, pray and contact the missionary with encouraging words.