Decorating Ideas for a Pastor's Anniversary
29 SEP 2017

Pastoral anniversaries are often marked with celebrations called Pastor Appreciation Days. Before these celebrations take place, preparations are made. You'll need to create a festive environment to make your pastor and his family feel appreciated.
1 Banners

Make a big banner to hang that expresses how your congregation feels about the pastor. It might say, "Thanks" or "We appreciate you".
2 Photo Montage

On a wall in the room the celebration will be held, post a photo montage of the past year. This should include pictures of people the pastor has helped or fun events that took place at your church.
3 Money Trees

Place an small undecorated Christmas tree on a table and encourage people to pin money to the tree. You could decorate the tree with crosses and Christmas lights. After the event give the money to the pastor as a gift.
4 Centerpieces

For decorative centerpieces use fiber-optic crosses that light up and change colors. You can buy some that run on batteries and won't require plugging in to electrical outlets.
5 Balloons

Make balloon cascades by tying balloon strings together and attaching them to centerpieces or decorative balloon anchors. You could also make a brightly colored balloon arch for the pastor to walk under as he enters the celebration.