Foot Model Requirements
7 AUG 2017

Foot modeling is a part of the 'parts modeling' commercial print industry. According to Parts, models are represented through a talent agency to model ‘specific parts of the body such as hands, legs, feet, bodies and certain facial features’ for a particular client. Foot models must undergo certain general requirements for consideration for foot modeling jobs.
1 Composite Card
All parts models--whether foot, leg or hand talent--should develop a professional composite card (also referred to as a ZED card). A comp card is a small collection of featured pictures with the model’s basic physical stats that shows the client an array of special foot looks. The comp card works as a marketing tool that can get models booked for a job. Foot models should have at least four images on the comp card that display four different looks. For example, a foot model one photo may show a closeup of the sport campaign with the model wearing a certain sneaker or athletic shoe. The other photo may show a bare image of the foot as an ad for healthy, smooth feet. The comp card should also provide the models name, age, height, weight and foot size on the bottom or back of the composite card.
2 Size
Certain facets of modeling require that the model adhere to a strict physical appearance, which can mean that models need to maintain a certain body type, weight or size to be considered or chosen for modeling jobs. For foot models, the same applies. The standard women’s foot model is normally between the shoe sizes of 5 to 7. Men's foot model shoe sizes are from 9 to 11. Required shoe size for a modeling opportunity is, in most cases, dependent on the client; therefore, shoe size requirements may vary.
3 Appearance
The appearance of the feet is extremely important. Both male and female foot models should have a soft, smooth skin texture free of scarring, uneven skin tone or blemishes. Toes should be evenly shaped and nails should be appropriately cut short. Foot models should have no visible veins, calluses, dirt, excessive hair or other foot distractions.
4 Skin Care
Unless a client is going for a specific look, all skin tones are acceptable. Parts models are in high demand to represent an array of different skin colors and ethnic backgrounds.