Qualifications to Be a Model
7 AUG 2017

While the criteria to become a model varies according to the type of modeling, a few standards are required of all models. Models typically need to have clear skin, healthy hair and good teeth. Most models also have a toned physique.
1 Editorial/Fashion Modeling Qualifications

Editorial and high fashion runway models have the strictest criteria. Women have to be at least 5 feet 8 inches tall, have a thin build with hips measuring no larger than 35 inches and be between the ages of 16 to 26. Most men models have to be at least 5 feet 11 inches with an athletic build.
2 Commerical Model Requirements

Commercial models have a much broader range for size, height and age. Normally, the model fits a certain type. For instance, one may be often cast as the grandmother, suburban mom, businessman or cowboy. These models appear in print and television ads for common products.
3 Catalog Modeling

Catalog models have more relaxed guidelines than editorial models. However, they have to fit sample-sized clothing. Women must be at least 5 feet 6 inches tall, while men must be at least 5 feet 9 inches. Both men and women must be height/weight proportionate.
4 Fitness Modeling

There is no height requirement for both sexes when it comes to fitness modeling. However, women must have a lean, muscular body. Male fitness models must have a muscular physique with a low percentage of body fat.
5 Plus Size Modeling Qualifications

Plus size models are held to the same strict standards as other fashion models except they are larger in size, wearing between a 10 to 18/20. Most plus size models fall between sizes 12 to 16. They must be at least 5 feet 8 inches tall and are height/weight proportionate; the shorter the model, the smaller her dress size must be.
6 Location

Models--especially editorial and in-demand plus models--are often required to live near a major fashion city. One may to relocate to New York, Chicago, Los Angeles or Miami.