Youth Revival Ideas
29 SEP 2017

Youth revivals seek to make worship and church involvement relevant to youth ages 12 through 19. The music employed in these revivals often differs from the revival music used in revivals aimed at an older or mixed population. The revival messages encourage young people to make a lifelong commitment to God and to put that faith into action by sharing it with others in word and deed.
1 Local Youth-Led Revivals
For churches where youth lead the worship in youth meetings, the youth department can organize their own revival. Youth program sponsors and the ministerial team can support and assist the youth with this endeavor. The youth leader can provide the revival messages.
Coordinate the music team to perform for the revival. Youth soloists and groups may provide special music for the revival, in addition to worship music all attendees can sing. Bring the music team together with the revival speaker to create a united theme for the revival.
2 Youth Evangelist
Hire a youth evangelist for the revival. The evangelist may coordinate efforts with the youth group to publicize and assist as greeters and ushers. The youth may contribute musicians and singers to assist with corporate music and specials. The youth evangelist, youth group sponsors or minister may work with teens to assist with altar calls. The teens can pray with those who ask for prayer and provide contact cards and follow-up materials to those who make a public profession of faith.
3 Revival Concert
Bring in a young Christian band or musical performer to hold a single-night revival event. Groups hired for this purpose coordinate their performance to speak to the hearts and minds of youth. The performers may share their testimony during the concert and encourage those who have never made a commitment to Christ to do so. Several area churches may coordinate efforts to fill the sanctuary with youth and provide youth workers and ministers to assist with altar calls and follow-up after the concert.
4 Youth Fun Night
Invite area teens to come to the church for pizza or burgers. After the meal, have an evangelist or youth leader speak to the youth with a revival message. Include an altar call that utilizes your youth leadership team. Following the altar call invite the youth to remain and play games, enjoy fellowship and engage in sports activities. Encourage youth group members to talk with visitors and share information about the youth group and about church events. Invite the youth to share their testimony with those present. Pass out flyers about the group with meeting times and contact information. Invite everyone to come back and participate in other events. Assign youth workers, adult sponsors and ministry staff to follow up with those who responded to the altar call.