Women's Ministry Ideas & Themes
29 SEP 2017

Women's ministries are about fostering relationships, encouraging other ladies and reaching out together in service to the Lord. If you are organizing a ministry for the women in your congregation, there are many ideas and themes that can make your group interesting, inspiring and full of purpose.
1 Reaching Women
One of the major goals of women's ministry is to reach out to women in the church and community. One of the ways women can connect with each other is through "Secret Sisters," in which women are paired up secretly and exchange cards, notes and small gifts to encourage each other. Other ways of reaching out to women is through retreats, Bible studies, meals and parties, field trips and special events.
2 Choosing a Theme
Themes bring an interesting twist to women's ministry. Some ideas for themes include: Seasons of Faith, Extreme Makeover, Beauty by the Book, Christian Survival, Quilted Together and Unwrapping the Gift of Christ. Themes can last a year, a season or just one month. Choose activities, crafts, games and special events to further emphasize your theme.
3 Choosing a Study
Some women's ministries will have devotions, and others choose to do Bible study. Choose a study that is related to your ministry's theme. Other important factors to consider are how long the study will take and how much work is involved. Pick a topic nearly every woman can relate to. For instance, a study geared to motherhood may not be appropriate for every woman in the group.
4 Launching a Mission Project
Not only can women's ministries reach out to other women, but they can also serve people in their community, state or on the other side of the world. Mission projects can be as simple as sponsoring a child, missionary or organization. Larger projects might be traveling to assist with a disaster or provide aid to an impoverished community. Mission projects put the focus of your women's ministry on helping others.