How to Become a Roxy Model
7 AUG 2017

Roxy models are beautiful, sun-kissed young faces with seemingly perfect bodies and great tans.
Many teen girls and guys desire to be these faces and wonder how they too can be a Roxy model and wear the latest trends. It may not be easy but if you really want to be a Roxy model follow these steps and try your hardest and it can happen.
1 Get your body in shape
Get your body in shape. You need to have washboard abs, thin but athletic legs, a firm tight butt, and toned arms. Work out at the gym, get involved in sports, especially aquatic sports. Roxy is a surf and sun brand. You should take up swimming and surfing. These activities will tone your body and start to work on your natural tan. The more of a surfer type you appear the better chance you have of being hired by Roxy down the road.
2 Get a nice sun-kissed tan
Get a nice sun-kissed tan. When you're outdoors wear sunblock so you don't burn. Maintain your tan body, Roxy models always have a nice healthy tan. Be careful not to overdo your tanning sessions. Take care of your skin in general. Use a good moisturizer and keep your skin looking bright and fresh.
3 Set up a photo shoot to have zed card photos taken
Set up a photo shoot to have zed card photos taken. Have some photos taken on the beach in different swimsuits and styles. Also have casual pictures taken and a couple glammed-up shots. Pick your best pictures and take them to a printer. Design your zed card layout with the printer and have copies of your zed card made.
4 Look at the online agency directories
Look at the online agency directories and listing to find agents who represented print models. Send a cover letter and zed card to each agency. Wait for a response from interested agents. They will call you and arrange meeting times. Sign with the agent who you think will best be able to get you into Roxy. Ask lots of questions during the meetings and make your intentions clear -- you want to be a Roxy model.
5 Go to all the visits
Go to all the visits your agent send you on. Make sure your agent knows you want to be a Roxy model. When a casting opens up your agent will submit you for it or call and pitch you for it. Go to your audition and win over the casting director and photographer. Do a great job and you'll be hired! Have fun and good luck!
- Stay in perfect shape
- Maintain a healthy tan