How to Become a Calvin Klein Model
7 AUG 2017

Calvin Klein models tend to be supermodels and international superstar celebrities, but even if you do not have the celebrity status of Justin Bieber or the modeling portfolio of Kate Moss, all hope is not lost. You still have a shot at modeling for Calvin Klein if you can secure representation with a professional modeling agency.
1 Get a Modeling Agent
Most modeling agencies have open submissions. This does not mean that anyone can become a model, but it does mean that unknowns who have what it takes can be discovered and eventually make it big. Keep in mind that agencies have height and age requirements. For example, the Elite agency requires women to be between the ages of 14 and 19, and 5 feet 7 inches tall to 6 feet tall. Most agencies require that male models be at least 6 feet tall.
2 Follow in the Footsteps of Calvin Klein Models
If your primary career goal is to model for Calvin Klein, study recent Calvin Klein models, and follow their lead. Using the website, research which agencies work with these prominent models, and then apply to them for representation. No experience is necessary to apply, and you do not need to have a portfolio or professional pictures. To evaluate your modeling potential, agencies like to see simple photographs of you in natural light, with no makeup and minimal hairstyling.
3 Agencies That Book Work With Calvin Klein
Calvin Klein model Lara Stone, who appears in the 2015 underwear campaign with Justin Bieber, is represented by the IMG agency. Tyson Ballou, a male model featured in two of Calvin Klein's 2015 print campaigns, is represented by IMG as well. You can apply directly to IMG through their website by submitting biographical information, measurements, photographs and a video. Many of the models featured in the runway show for Calvin Klein's Fall/Winter 2015 Collection were also represented by IMG. The DNA modeling agency represented a number of these models as well.
4 Exercise Caution and Beware of Scams
There are many unscrupulous companies that prey on aspiring models. Be leery of any modeling agency that guarantees they can make you a Calvin Klein model or asks for a fee to represent you. Also note that reputable agencies will never ask you to submit nudes or pictures in skimpy lingerie to be considered.