Fun Stuff to Do With Your Best Guy Friend

You and your best friend have been inseparable since you can remember, and you cherish his friendship. His support has helped you through some difficult times while his sense of humor has made you laugh again and again. Plan fun activities to create new memories together and celebrate the special bond you have with him.
1 New Adventures, New Thrills
Think of a new experience you both have never had before and plan to do it together for some bonding time. Experiences bring people closer together and they will have new memories to talk about later, explains psychologist Ryan T. Howell, Ph.D., in his "Psychology Today" article, "Holiday Gift Giving Tip 2012: Give Experiential Gifts." Perhaps you both can try something thrilling. Find the highest roller coaster to ride on, go skydiving or catch a ride in a helicopter. Maybe you can enroll in a class together to learn about something different from your usual hobbies, such as bird watching or rock climbing.
2 Get Your Grub On
Like many teenage or college-aged guys, you and your best friend probably have raging appetites. Seek out a few new restaurants in your city and try foods different from what you usually eat. Perhaps you both can find an eatery that is known to have the spiciest buffalo chicken wings in town. Or, you both can go the local grill known for having the largest burgers around. Alternatively, get outside to grill and share your favorite recipes with each other to make the ultimate summer feast. Maybe you can show him how to make your signature grilled chicken while he helps you make his famous barbecued ribs.
3 Let's Go Team!
Attend a sports event together at a local stadium. Whether it is basketball, football or soccer, select a sport you both enjoy and cheer on your home team. Sports teams allow guys to show pride for their city, says Rich Santos in his "Marie Claire" article, "Why Are Guys Obsessed With Sports?" Show your hometown team pride by dressing in team shirts and caps. Alternatively, if you and your best friend are fans of separate teams, declare a bet on what team you think will win the game. Think of a funny punishment for the loser, such as dressing up like a chicken for a day.
4 Game Lovers Unite
If you and your best buddy enjoy playing games, spend an afternoon having a friendly competition. Perhaps you can see who can out bet each other in a series of board and card games, such as Monopoly and Uno. Maybe you can have a video game showdown and compete in the latest games. Alternatively, head to a local arcade for plenty of game play, including classic and modern games. See who has the highest scores out of all the games played for the day. Think of a creative prize for the winner, such as the loser buying him pizza for a week.