Email Settings for Comcast on a Mac

Add your Comcast email account to the Apple Mail application for Mac OS X to benefit from quick and convenient access to your Comcast inbox without having to use Comcast's online portal. After adding your account username and password into Apple Mail, you will need to select the correct port for the mail server and enable SSL authentication to access your emails using the software.
Launch Apple Mail. Select "Preferences" from the Mail toolbar menu.
Choose "Accounts" and click the Plus button. Enter your full name and your Comcast email address and password in the corresponding fields. Press "Continue."
Click the "Advanced" tab in the Accounts window to access the advanced settings for your Comcast account. Type "995" (without quotes) in the Port field and check the "Use SSL" check box. Select "Password" as the authentication method and press the "Accounts" tab to return to the Account Information section.
Select "Edit SMTP Server List" from the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) drop-down list. Click "Advanced" to open the advanced settings for the outgoing mail server.
Check the "Use default ports" and "Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)" check boxes. Set the authentication method to "Password" and re-enter your Comcast username and password if they are not already filled in.
Click "OK" and close the Window to save your preferences and to start using your Comcast email account with Apple Mail.
- The steps presented here apply to Mac OS X Mountain Lion and may differ slightly or significantly with other versions of the operating system.
- If you want to access your Comcast email inbox from multiple devices, you should set up Apple Mail to keep copies the retrieved messages on the server, so other devices can also access them. To do this, click "Preferences" in the Mail toolbar menu, select your account and click "Advanced." Uncheck "Remove copy from server after retrieving a message" and close the window to save your preferences.