Dayton, Ohio Singles Social Clubs
4 OCT 2017

Dayton, Ohio is the home of several social clubs that cater to singles. In such clubs, single people of all ages come together for purposes as varied as entertainment, support, education, or faith-building. Some people even hope to meet potential mates at these vanues.
1 Crossroads to a Common Ground (CCG)
Sponsored by the Christian Life Center Church, the Crossroads to a Common Ground (CCG) singles group meets every Sunday for a Bible study, discussion and prayer, states the church's website. The Crossroads group also participates in social events like softball games, concerts, drive-in movies, road trips, and eating out. Members also take part in outreach and community events.
Christian Life Center 3489 Little York Rd. Dayton, OH 45414 937-898-8811
2 Far Hills Connexion
Another church-sponsored singles group, Far Hills Connexion meets on Sunday mornings at Far Hills Community Church for Bible study and fellowship. Outside of church, members meet together for other social and community events like volleyball, bowling and scrapbooking, according to the Ohio Christian Singles Groups website. Far Hills Connexion also meets in smaller group settings for additional Bible study, prayer, and fellowship.
Far Hills Community Church 5800 Clyo Rd. Dayton, Ohio 45459 937-434-3232
3 Group Interaction
Group Interaction offers a chance for singles 45 years and older to interact socially in a group setting. As the Group Interaction website states, members come together on Friday evenings for refreshments, mixers, card-playing and discussions. Other yearly activities include game nights, movie nights, dining out, concerts, seminars and speakers. The group also takes trips throughout the year to different cities around the U.S. The Friday night program takes place at Central Christian Church.
Group Interaction 1200 Forrer Blvd. Kettering, Ohio 45420
4 Dayton Singles and Singles Parents (DSSP)
Organized on, the Dayton Singles and Singles Parents (DSSP) group brings together singles of all ages, as well as single parents with kids, states its website on Activities include adult-only events like concerts and dinners out; there are also events that include kids, like baseball games and hikes. Almost 200 members make up the DSSP group, which also meets for discussions online at