The Responsibilities for a Homeroom Parent

Parents of elementary school students wanting to get more involved in their child's schooling may volunteer to become homeroom parents. Homeroom parents serve as a go-between connecting parents -- including parent-teacher organizations -- and the instructor. They also typically organize classroom parties, set up social events with parents and support teachers.
1 Typical Duties
Homeroom parents generally keep in contact with other parents and a parent-teacher organization to make sure parents know what is happening in the school, to relay parental concerns and suggestions to teachers and administrators, and to help teachers with special projects. Homeroom parents often recruit other parent volunteers to assist with activities a teacher can't do on his own, such as a field trip. Homeroom parents attend open house or back-to-school night programs to facilitate teacher-parent communication. They may coordinate other social activities for parents, such as potluck meals, so parents can get to know one another and the school personnel. Besides attending meetings, homeroom parents often organize classroom parties, such as those for birthdays or holidays, coordinating snacks and activities. The often collect funds to purchase gifts for the teacher for teacher appreciation days, holidays or other special situations.