Things That the Mother's Board Does at a Church
29 SEP 2017

A mother's board consists of women called church mothers who have typically been longtime members of the congregation. The mother's board of a church is responsible not only for mentoring and assisting younger women within the church, but also for hosting a variety of church activities for children and families.
1 Mentoring
Church mothers mentor other women within the congregation who may be dealing with personal, spiritual or physical problems. Members of the mother's board may meet with a woman within the congregation to pray with her and offer spiritual advice for overcoming obstacles.
2 Administration
The mother's board also offers support to the pastor and his staff. Members of the mother's board may volunteer their time to pray with the pastor and church employees, or they may provide meals for them as needed. Frequently, the mother's board is also responsible for organizing a holiday gift basket for the pastor of the church.
3 Meetings
The mother's board meets regularly to discuss its role within the church and to offer support and encouragement to one another. Meetings usually include prayer and Bible discussion in addition to planning ways to spiritually support the pastor and congregation.
4 Activities
In addition to offering support and counseling, the mother's board is also responsible for planning activities for the women of the church. Frequently, a mother's board also features family-friendly and children's activities, such as a back-to-school party or family luncheon. All activities should be designed to focus on spirituality and supporting the church.