How to Transfer Applications From My MacBook to the iPad

Although you can download apps directly to your iPad, you also have the option to transfer apps from your MacBook to your device. This option is useful if you prefer to use the iTunes App Store on your computer to browse for new apps and download them so you can transfer them later. Use the Sync Apps feature in iTunes to select the apps you want to transfer, and then send them to your iPad.
Connect your MacBook to your iPad using the cable that came with your device.
Launch iTunes if it does not launch automatically, click "Devices," and then click the name of your iPad in the drop-down list that displays.
Click "Apps," and then click the "Sync Apps" box to enable it. Click the "Install" button next to the apps you want; doing so highlights the apps and changes the button display to "Will Install."
Click the "Apply" button to start the transfer to your iPad.
- Information in this article applies to iTunes '11 and iOS 6. It may vary slightly or significantly with other versions or products.