Thesis Topics in School Counseling
7 SEP 2018
College students can select from a myriad of options when choosing school counseling research topics. The role of school counselors has expanded to include input in school leadership, parent and community advocacy, guidance for special groups and also to prepare students to be college and career ready. School counselors can be creative and try nontraditional counseling approaches to reach all students in order to be preventive and responsive to the needs of students from all backgrounds.
1 School Counseling Thesis Topics
School counseling thesis topics may discuss the roles in which school administrators use counselors as part of the leadership team. Leadership roles have moved counselors from being sounding boards to being a part of comprehensive counseling program that incorporate the diverse needs of students. Deficiencies in counseling roles can be a lack of counseling training on assessing tracking, collecting and disseminating data to students. Thesis topics may expand salient research on how these processes are more efficient. Students may choose to research topics on how school counselors are valuable assets in parent and teacher conferences. Further topics may also include research on how counselors develop the master schedule or teacher schedule of courses.
2 Topics on Special Groups
School counselors are trained to serve all students from a variety of backgrounds. Some students are far more advanced as talented or gifted while others are deemed to be at-risk and may need remedial courses to keep up with mainstream students. Demographic constraints such as being learning disabled, residing in areas with high violence or low income may hinder the learning of students and are intriguing aspects of study. Consulting the American Counseling Association website is one option for students to choose from a list of topics or interest networks posted on the site. As school counseling research topics examples, students might explore topics on how counselors serving students with bereavement issues or provide brief counseling where students and counselors employ quick solutions to problems. Exploring related mental health research topics is another option that deals with student issues during school that can include suicide or domestic issues at home.
3 Topics on College/Career
School counselors are preparing students for college and career readiness. Students might choose to explore school counseling research topics on how schools have redesigned their curriculum to include college and career tracks for students pursuing vocational schools instead of college. Students can then write on the steps involved in altering curriculum to accommodate these features. Counselors use a tracking system that matches student interests with career choices that is similar to how college bound students may decide on college majors. Preparing students to be college and career ready starts in grades as early as kindergarten by getting students exposed to various careers. By the time these students get to high school, they are more knowledgeable of viable career or college choices.
4 Community Support Topics
Community partners serve as mentors with roles that might include providing funding for before and after school programs. They might also speak to large students groups on various topics ranging from developing career goals to being successful in school. Counselors also serve as community advocates that assist with parent teacher conferences and also help with students who are special-needs. Topics that include these interests could be engaging choices as well.