Ministry Ideas for Young Adult Activities
29 SEP 2017

Young adult ministry groups include high school graduates, college students and those in their 20s. Many are single adults whose primary activities revolve around work or school, but some have young families. Some groups grow in local churches and include a large percentage of members who have family ties and history with the church. Others find a home in college campus ministries. These factors influence the kinds of ministry projects the members choose.
1 Mentoring Kids
Members in young adult ministry groups include those with skills to mentor chidlren in the home church or in the surrounding community. Meaningful activities could include tutoring, sponsoring and befriending at-risk kids and teens. The relative youth of the young adult group members gives them an advantage with the youths that an older adult might not have. Single group members may have fewer responsibilities, providing them more free time to get involved with the kids. Working with kids and teens in the home church offers the advantage of familiarity. The youths may already see some of these young adults as role models and aspire to follow their lead. The partnership of the young adult ministry with the youth ministry encourages teens to stay active in the church and move from one program into the next.
2 Assisting Church Members
Older church members offer another fertile place for young adult ministry. Widows, retired couples and shut-ins have needs that benefit from younger strength and stamina. Young adults may help with gardening, home repair and car maintenance tasks beyond the physical abilities of some older members. The relationship can benefit both age groups because the older members can share their wisdom and knowledge through mentoring and informal education. Again, working in the home church offers benefits. The elder members may know the young adults, having watched them grow up, and be more inclined to trust them in their homes. The young adults could feel some responsibility for the elder members and shoulder the ministry projects with a sense of pride and a desire to honor those who have served the church.
3 Community Outreach
Organizations such as Habitat for Humanity could benefit from the ministry of young adults. The physical stamina and relative freedom may allow young adults the time and energy to help build a home for low-income families. Homeless shelters, food pantries and other community outreaches offer additional opportunities for ministry. Evangelistic outreach to young adults outside the ministry offers another possibility. Group-sponsored concerts, activities and fellowship opportunities invite other young adults to join the group and get involved. Entertainment events give the ministry the opportunity to share its faith.
4 Mission Outreach
Young adult ministries may reach out through missions during disasters and across the world. Mission organizations offer short-term opportunities for people 18 to 24. The young adults may help build buildings, start schools, evangelize and support communities in need.