Christian Workshop Topics
29 SEP 2017

Many people enjoy taking workshops to explore new concepts and to expand on familiar ones. Churches often offer Christian workshops for congregants, or the believer may seek out such workshops from lay organizations, religious teachers and educational organizations such as colleges and seminaries. Some workshops may offer credits applicable to certification programs for Sunday school teachers, pastoral counselors or church administrators.
1 The Bible
The Bible offers those interested a variety of workshop topics. Pastors or Bible teachers present topics on practical Christian living, guidelines for families, biblical character traits and on taking principles from the Bible into the workplace. Workshops can address evangelism from a biblical perspective, tithing in the Bible or the book's perspective on gifts of the spirit.
2 Prayer
Many Christians consider prayer an integral part of their faith practice. Workshops on prayer could cover appropriate prayer practices, facts about the Lord’s Prayer, how to pray with Scripture and how to pray with others. Workshops may include prayer practice in small groups and in pairs so attendees become more comfortable praying aloud.
3 Teaching
Sunday school teachers, Vacation Bible School teachers and teachers serving in other church programs may attend workshops that present material to be taught under a revised curriculum. These workshops allow teachers to share ideas about the material and decide how they will conduct classes. Churches may host teacher certification workshops. These workshops cover effective methods of instruction, classroom management and best use of materials.
4 Counseling
In churches of 150 members or more, chaplains and lay pastors may assist the minister in the care of church members. Programs such as Stephen Ministries and Lay Pastor Ministry, Inc. offer workshop training to equip church members to assist the pastor in counseling and prayer. Workshops offer specific training on dealing with loss, family issues and how to listen effectively. Workshops train teams to work together and set up the framework necessary to make a program work.
5 Administration
Christian administrative topics often include: How to organize worship services, how to organize church groups and how to maintain the church office and finances. Churches may offer workshops on congregational-led churches and other methods of administrative organization. These workshops train church leadership to effectively keep the church open and ministering to the members.
6 New Members
Churches offer prospective members a workshop about the church. The workshop covers the basic tenets of the church, the history of the denomination, and the history of the individual church. The workshop explains what the church expects from members and what members can expect from the church. It may offer prospective members information about how to get involved in various church groups and ministries.