The Locations of Army AIT Schools
25 JUN 2018

Enlistees in the Army choose an Advanced Individual Training to attend after basic training. This AIT provides the skills needed for performing an Army job. There are 17 AITs to choose from. These AITs consist of hands-on training and field instruction. Training can take place at one of 17 different bases in 11 different states.
1 Alabama
Alabama is home to two AIT locations. Fort Rucker, near Enterprise, houses the Warrant Officer Career Center and the Aviation Center and School. At Fort Rucker, new recruits receive training in air traffic control and operations. Redstone Arsenal, outside of Huntsville, houses the Ordinance Munitions and Electronics Maintenance School.
2 Arizona
Fort Huachuca is located in Arizona. The city of Sierra Vista added Fort Huachuca in 1971. This Army base occupies the Intelligence Center School, which includes the headquarters of Army Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS), the Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) and the Electronic Proving Ground (EPG). New recruits train in military intelligence.
3 Georgia
Two locations for AIT are in Georgia. Fort Benning, just outside of Columbus, offers Airborne, Infantry, Ranger and Officer Candidates schools. Fort Gordon, near Augusta-Richmond County, teaches Signal and Information Technology.
4 Kansas
Fort Leavenworth is northwest of Kansas City and it used to provide training for new recruits. The Command and General Staff College and School of Advanced Military Studies are found here. Now, Fort Riley is the new training facility for military careers in National Guard and Army Reserve.
5 Kentucky
Fort Knox in Kentucky is home to one AIT. Located south of Louisville, the Armor Center/School is found at this base. New recruits learn about leadership skills and endure rigorous mental and physical training.
6 Missouri
Missouri is where the Chemical, Engineer and Military Police schools are located. Training takes place at Fort Leonard Wood southwest of St. Louis. Learning starts with an engineering foundation and move onto a senior or advanced leader course.
7 Pennsylvania
Off the Pennsylvania Turnpike, north of Carlisle, is Carlisle Barracks. This is the home of the Army War College and it offers the Army Strategic Education Program (ASEP) to new recruits. After rigorous training, recruits select from three areas of studies: Go Core PME USAWC, Go Joint Courses Joint Staff J7 or Positional Programs.
8 South Carolina
Fort Jackson in South Carolina has the most AIT schools. Located just outside of Columbia, it has the Adjutant General School, Chaplain School, Drill Sergeant School, Finance School, Physical Fitness School and the Recruiting and Retention School.
9 Virginia
Virginia has three bases for AIT. Fort Belvoir, near Mount Vernon, has the Army Management Staff College; Fort Eustis, near Newport News, has the Aviation Logistics School; and Fort Lee, near Petersburg, has Army Logistics Management College, Ordinance Mechanical Maintenance School, Quartermaster Center/School and Transportation Center/School.
10 Oklahoma and Texas
Fort Sill, in Lawton, Oklahoma, is home to the Air Defense Artillery Center/School. Located in the southern part of the state, it is not far from Wichita Falls, Texas. The Sergeants Major Academy is found at Fort Bliss in Texas. Fort Bliss is near the New Mexico border.