Spring Ideas for Decorating School Classroom Doors

Students can get involved in decorating your classroom door.

Your classroom door is the first thing your students see in the mornings. Decorating your door will make it look more welcoming, and can help students start their days out with a positive mindset. As the weather warms up in spring, use your classroom door decorations to remind students of the season and help them get excited about spring.

1 April Showers

Spring is often rainy, so decorate your classroom door with fun rain images. Use cotton batting on the door for clouds. Let the students write their names on raindrops to add to the door. You can cut out colorful umbrellas and galoshes to add to the door so it doesn't look too dreary. A rainbow can also add color to the door.

2 Spring Flowers

There are a lot of flowers in bloom during the spring months and decorating your classroom door with spring flowers will add a lot of color to it. For science classrooms, you can add the scientific names of the flowers. If you want to involve the students in the decorating process, let them create the flowers themselves and write their names on them.

3 Colorful Hands

Cover the classroom door in white butcher paper. Have the students make colored hand prints on the door with finger paint. They can then write their names next to their hands. This door decoration is colorful for the spring season, and involves the students in the decorating to make them feel special. Make sure to include your hand, as well.

4 Fun in the Park

Warm weather often brings more time outside for kids. Decorate your door with a park scene. Trees and bushes can be added with green and brown butcher paper. You can add swing sets, merry-go-rounds and slides for younger kids. Animals such as rabbits, squirrels and frogs can be added, as well. For a three-dimensional look, use pipe cleaners to make the swings come out of the scene.

Nicole Palmby began writing professionally in 2007. She has written for MacMurray College and has experience writing about education, sewing and crafts, health care and religious topics. Palmby holds a Bachelor of Science in English (creative writing) from MacMurray College.
