March Bulletin Board Ideas for Preschool

Preschool teachers spend lots of time planning to make the classroom a fun place for kids. One way to excite students is to create fun bulletin boards. During the month of March, preschool teachers use student artwork to decorate their bulletin boards with the fun activities and events that happen as Spring begins.
1 Leprechauns and Rainbows
The middle of March is filled with leprechauns and rainbows in a preschool classroom. Teachers decorate their bulletin boards with green and a bit o’ the Irish. For this board, the teacher begins by making a handprint rainbow. Handprints are traced and cut out in all colors of the rainbow. They are stapled to the board in an arch for the rainbow and end at the bottom of the board in a large pot of gold. At the other end of the rainbow is a cloud made of white butcher paper. Green letter cut-outs spell “Our Little Leprechauns.” Each child in the class colors a leprechaun to be attached to the board, with their names highlighted next to each one. The teacher takes a picture of each child and their head will be cut out and glued onto the face of each leprechaun on the board.
2 Spring Flowers
Teachers and students are so excited when the weather warms up and Spring arrives. Teachers celebrate this new season with a flower filled bulletin board. They begin with a variety of different sizes of pastel colored muffin cups as well as large tongue depressors. Each child gets one tongue depressor. Students choose two or three different muffin cups. They put one drop of liquid glue onto the top of the tongue depressor. Glue a large muffin cup to the tongue depressor. Students then choose one or two more muffin cups to glue to the inside of the original cup. When they are dry, students spread out the muffin cups a bit to make them more open. These are the flowers for the bulletin board. The teacher creates an outdoor scene on the board with a sky blue background and green grass. She fills the area with the “flowers” that her students have made. She cuts out letters to announce that “Spring Has Sprung!”
3 Egg-straordinary Class
Preschool students begin with a large egg template to decorate. They use crayons, markers or paint to make a design on their egg. After they have cut it out, the teacher finds a picture of the child to glue to the center of the egg. Her bulletin board will have a large Easter basket made of butcher paper. Arranged in and around the basket are the eggs with the kid’s faces. Arched above the basket are the cut-out words “My Egg-straordinary Class.”