How to Teach Preschoolers About Spring

The seasons provide an appropriate theme for preschool learning. Spring is full of educational topics that teach preschoolers what happens during the season, including weather changes, plant growth and animal births. Hands-on activities help the preschoolers make sense of the seasonal changes they can see around them as winter ends and spring begins.
1 Read Picture Books
Children's books present information about spring in an entertaining way. You can find a variety of preschool-appropriate books that incorporate spring weather, rain, rainbows, flowers, rainbows and baby animals. "Mouse's First Spring" by Lauren Thompson explores the signs of spring through the eyes of a baby mouse experiencing his first spring. "Spring Song" by Barbara Seuling focuses on animals and how the spring season affects them. Jan Carr's "Splish, Splash, Spring" touches on many spring themes, including rainy weather and insects. After introducing the idea of spring, lead a discussion about the features of the season.
2 Get Scientific
Take a nature walk with preschoolers to inspect the signs of spring firsthand. Plastic magnifying glasses give the preschoolers a chance to look at things they see up close without the risk of broken glass. Encourage your students to use their five senses to explore spring. You might have them touch damp grass or the rough bark of a tree, for example. While you're outside, stock your classroom science center with spring-related items for exploration. Look for seeds, flowers, berries, buds and mud. The preschoolers can look at the collected spring items under microscopes or with magnifying glasses.
3 Make Spring Art
Preschoolers learn about spring in a creative way with themed art projects. Combine science and art on a rainy day. Have preschoolers draw on cone-shaped coffee filters with markers. Put the filters outdoors on a rainy day. The colors bleed across the filter to make colorful art. You can use the coffee filters to make a butterfly by using a clothespin as the body. Incorporate shapes for an educational spring craft by letting the kids design shape flowers. You'll need several small shapes in different colors. The kids glue the shapes onto paper to make a flower design.
4 Plan Movement Activities
Movement activities let the preschoolers explore spring by pretending to be animals, plants or weather elements. Tell the kids what to act like, including descriptions that will help. You might say, "Pretend to be a baby duck. Waddle around like you're following your mama duck." Have the preschoolers pretend to be a seed by curling up in a ball on the floor. They slowly move up as they grow into a flower. Incorporate weather by having the kids pretend to be clouds, wind or raindrops.