Middle School Campaign Ideas for Student Council

For some middle school students, taking on a leadership role holds appeal. If your middle schooler wants to make his mark on his school, running for student council may be an effective way to do so. In many schools, students campaign for these coveted student council spots. If this is the case at your child's school, help him craft a compelling campaign to better his chances of winning a seat.
1 Mascot Focus

The mascot is the figure that represents the entire middle school student body, making a campaign prominently featuring this figure a highly school-spirited option. Encourage your child to use his mascot's name in his campaign slogan. For example, he could make his slogan, “Wildcats Want William for Student Council.” When creating advertising material, feature an image of the mascot as well as the mascot's name. To really make your mascot focus apparent, create a handout for students that features the mascot's face that they can wear as a mask, such as a pirate face with the holes cut out and a stick attached along with your name and slogan on the reverse, reminding them to send their votes your way.
2 “All About You”

Middle school voters are often eager to select the candidate that will do the most for them. By using “All About You” as a campaign focus, students can show that they are eager to push for the improvements that their student body demands. Encourage your daughter to make this her slogan and show her concern for students by distributing surveys in which she asks students for their input, then using these results in her speeches to ensure that the things she is promising are things that the students want to see implemented.
3 School Colors Splash

Make a colorful and school spirited campaign by featuring school hues prominently. Have your child use the school hues exclusively in his campaign poster, showing his commitment to the school in question. When creating handouts to remind voters to send votes your child's way, attach notes to candies or other foods in the school colors. For example, reflect the school hue of orange by passing out tasty orange cream-pops on a hot day. To further advertise your child's candidacy, set up a booth at which students can get their faces painted in the school hues prior to a major sporting event.
4 American President Celebration

Feature prominent political figures of American history in your child's campaign to playfully show that she is the right choice. When creating posters, use pictures of past presidents, but cut their faces out and replace them with your child's face. Research class campaign slogans and make your child's slogan a play on these popular, and sometimes successful ones. For example, instead of “I Like Ike” make your child's slogan “I like Mike.” Keep the nod to history obvious by creating antique-looking buttons and other campaign paraphernalia.