Ideas for Getting Votes for Student Council

The most important part of running a student council election is convincing students to vote for you. As you plan an election campaign, consider your unique audience and plan ways that you can reach out to them. By keeping the needs of your voters in mind, you can design a campaign that is personal and convincing.
1 Unexpected Poster Designs
Most student council poster designs follow a similar format: picture, name and basic slogan. Make your posters stand out so students will pay attention to them when they walk down the hall. Use a funny campaign slogan, for example, or take an unconventional campaign photo. Come up with a series of poster designs and put them out at staggered times during the campaign. This way, students will learn to look out for new posters even if they aren't thinking about the election. Keep your sayings clean so you don't anger the administration.
2 Pass Out Freebies
Keep your campaign at the top of students' minds by giving away campaign freebies. Don't waste your money on things students will throw away. Instead, choose things they can use or enjoy: pens or pencils with your name and campaign slogan, packets of candy or bracelets, or buttons they can put on their backpacks. Print your picture, slogan or name on each piece so students will keep you in mind every time they use the item.
3 Make Specific Promises
Give students something to be excited about during your campaign by making specific promises. Choose issues that students will be excited about, like a better spirit week or improved lunches. Don't just come up with the issues, ask students what they want to see changed around school and turn them into your main goals. Talk to the principal about what is actually possible first so you don't promise things you can't deliver.
4 Talk to Students
If students don't recognize your name, they will not be able to vote for you. Get them to connect your name, face and promises by talking to as many students as possible. Act normal during these interactions; don't get too political or pushy. Explain to them what student council can do for them and how you can make that happen. Be friendly and open to everyone and keep in mind that the student body is your audience.