Ideas for Football Homecoming Posters

Spirit runs rampant during a school's homecoming week. Students dress in team colors, decorate lockers and hallways and attend pep rallies to show their support for their team and their school. Commonly displayed decorations for a football homecoming include posters that are strategically hung in hallways, lunchrooms and classrooms. Crafting creative posters for homecoming is a way for students to show their school spirit in a creative way.
1 Theme Posters
Tie the posters to the theme of the homecoming dance. If it's related to movies, choose some stills from movies and text featuring famous lines to put on the posters. For a celestial-themed dance, create posters with stars, moons, planets and spaceships with phrases like "It's out of this world!" For themes based on a particular city, such as New York or Hollywood, cut out iconic symbols from each of those cities and paste them to the poster with text that corresponds to the theme. Use beach scenes, trees with colorful leaves, pictures of snow-covered fields or rows of flowers for seasonal themes.
2 Activities Poster
Create posters that feature the activities that are happening during homecoming week. Create a small vertical column on one side of the poster that lists all of the events that are occurring including time, date and location. Then, add photos (from similar past events) or drawings in the main part of the poster.
Another idea would be, for example, if there are only three key events happening that week -- the pep rally, the homecoming dance and the football game -- arrange a poster that features them prominently. Use a photo from a past pep rally and place it on one half of the poster. Use a photo from a past dance and place it on the other half of the poster. Then paste a smaller photo from a football game into the middle over top by the other two photos, placing text pasted onto each event giving their details.
3 Kings and Queens Poster
Focus your posters on the voting for the homecoming king and queen. Obtain photos of all nominees -- both class pictures and photos of them performing an activity. Create a collage poster featuring all of them. Make sure to use each person's likeness equally to avoid claims of favoritism. Place the photos around cutouts of a chessboard king and queen. Include text on the poster that identifies each person.
4 Player Recognition Poster
Create a giant football or football field out of poster board and strategically place cut-out paper jerseys or helmets with each player's name and number on the board. Arrange the players according to position if using the football field motif. For added significance, create little cut-out megaphones and add the names of the cheerleaders on them and place them on the sidelines.